
This was Pune’s 1st ERPNext meet up and it was organized by Indictrans Team on 14th January 2017. It
was a good experience to organize this event and we would like to thank you all for making it a success.
It was heartening to receive an unexpected participation from over ~40 people. The attending crowd
consisted of people from Frappè Team, Academicians, Customers, Probable Customers, Enthusiasts,
Students, Service Providers, Freelancers and Indictrans Team.

Meetup started with a recent Success Story of implementing ERPNext at Frost Group Nigeria.
Mr.Gupteshwar (co-founder of Indictrans)presented this case study. Indictrans Team did this
implementation with the help of Mr. Abraham L, of GoldenwaveTechnologies, Nigeria. This is a unique
implementation we delivered using the capabilities of ERPNext Roles, Permissions and Access Policies.
Frost Group is a group of companies having five independent business units managed through the
Mother Company. The unique value Indictranscould offer to the Frost group through our solution
consisted of ERP functionalities limited to each individual business units but data access to group CEO to
suit their organisational structure.

We discussed about challenges faced during the implementation, solutions arrived at through ERPNext,
other implementation details and summarized it to highlight the efforts in making the solution a success
for the client.

Prof.Shrikant Mulik representing NMIMSCollege, Mumbai, took over the dais to address another
session. His address was on the ‘Adaptability and Perception of businesses for right fit for
anorganisation’. There is decent range of products with variety of features and still without any license

These are very cost effective for usage. Most of the times businesses fall short of evaluating a right fit by
sifting through all necessary parameters, and instead they go by their gut feeling of market adaptability.
This leads to higher costs and lower returns. There need to be equal efforts from eco-system as well as
peripheral units or individuals to raise awareness and build confidence in the industry about evaluating
the right fit to reach out to right needs in market.

ERPNext founder Mr.Rushabh Mehta (the man who madepossible the best for next generation ERP)
took over from Prof. Shrikant. First, he shared the updates on ERPNext Foundation and next step
forward. He shared his thoughts as a part of foundation, apprised us on the new mantra of 20%
contribution from the community in coming days to boost the community driven contribution.
Then he updated on the ERPNext 8 (new release) with major features such as Kanban, Email Inbox, Audit
Trail and many more fixes. He emphasized on the “Quality” of product. He mentioned “Quality is
Attitude”, “Quality delivers value (profitability)”. He added how it is important to adhere to this value
system driven by Quality. It reminded us of a sentence, ‘Cycle is temporary. Class is Permanent – JRD’.
Later Rushabh added, “Successfor an Open Source product lies in the practice that, when someone adds
a valueto the product for self, that value comes back to community as well for futureuse”. This has
multiple benefits. One crucial benefit is that, it saves redevelopment efforts and costs for others and
original contributor gets an assurance of the added feature’s maintenance forever. This is much
required education for the business owners adopting ERPNext for self.

Next session was mainly related to “Contribution to ERPNext planned by the Indictrans Team”. This
includes FedEx and QuickBooks integration with ERPNext. Suyash, Arpit and Gupteshwarfrom
IndictransTeam presented the integration work done by them. Presentation was followed by Q&A.
Rushabh gave us many suggestions and feedback over design and name of the App. He shared his views
that with more efforts in this direction this addition could become a part of core product. To make it
more generic, 15-25% more work would be required. In this discussion, Mr. Yashodhan added his
thoughts and shared his feedback about integrations. He underscored the need of such a feature for
logistic management organizations.

Even the lunch time turned out to be a lively affair. Networking and various discussions happened during
the lunch breaks.

Post lunch, Mr. Satishshared his thoughts about ERPNext and his past experience in SAP. He recently
started exploring market of ERPNext as a service provider.

Then meetup moved to last session of Prize Distribution. Indictrans Team has been conducting quizzes in
last 20 days before meetup and over ~35 people participated in it. Quiz winners have been awarded
with T-shirts.

The Meetup was an exciting and informative expecting more such great meetups in future.
Thanks everyone for becoming a part of ERPNextMeetup.

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